‘Morro’ Brand Identity
Client: Personal Project
Project Description: Branding concept for English indie artist, Morro.
Software Used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop
Photo credits: Marcelo Dias & Nayara Dinato
Morro was a personal branding project that took on the persona of an English indie artist and created a brand identity the artist would use in marketing and asset creation. The name, Morro, is a play on the idea of the word ‘tomorrow’ and the root morrow which means morning. The branding and creative direction were to play with vibrant colors and even rainbows giving the artist a curious and sensitive disposition. The logotype and mark both have a vibrant energy and the prism logomark plays on the rainbow split light element of the brand. The primary color palette for the brand is bright red and neon green giving it high contrast and a distinction from the rainbow pastel colors used elsewhere in the branding.
Selected Work (2020-2022)